Course Intorduction
Operator Asset Care (OAC) are activities that involve operators maintaining certain aspects of their own equipment, independent of the maintenance department. The activities include daily inspections, lubrication, parts replacement, detections of abnormalities and precision checks.
The goal of OCA is to prevent equipment deterioration, restoring equipment to its ideal state and reporting abnormalities to the maintenance department It is an approach that enables traditional maintenance practices to change from re-active to proactive by sharing responsibility for machinery condition, performance and maintenance. The goal of this course is to place powerful and proven improvement tools in the hands of your entire
Learning Outcomes
Attendees will gain an understanding of:
- The roles of operators in improving reliable care of tools, equipment, and machinery to improve asset operation, making the maintenance of machinery condition everyone’s responsibility, not only artisans.
- The importance and difference between “age-related” and “random” failures and be prepared to correctly identify and manage both.
- Using techniques such as audible, tactile, and visual inspection and easy-to-use checklists.
- The causes and “why’s” of asset failure and how breakdowns can be avoided in the first place.
- The importance of bearing, seal, lubrication failure, and the degradation of overall machine life.
Operators will learn the following skills for independent equipment maintenance:
- How to keep equipment running smoothly.
- How to inspect for problems during regular cleaning.
- How to contain debris that can shorten equipment life.
- How to manage equipment lubrication effectively.
- How to use activity boards and meetings.
- How to use Standard Operating Procedures and one-point lessons to promote effective equipment maintenance.
We also present real-life examples with illustrations and photographs to reinforce new ideas.
Who Should Attend
● Operators
● Operations Crew Leaders
● Maintenance/Operations coordinators
● Maintenance/Operation First Line Managers
● Selected Maintenance Employees: Artisans and T echnicians including contractors, Planners, Schedulers, Material Coordinators, Maintenance Crew Leaders