Oil Spill Management & Pollution Control

Course Intorduction

This course is designed to provide the knowledge and tools to assist management and related personnel in the development of oil spill contingency arrangements and to gain the decision-making skills necessary to make immediate and informed decisions during oil spill incidents. Participants will also be provided with a knowledge of the fate and behaviours of spilled oil, the impacts that oil has on the marine environment, the vulnerability of various to shoreline types and impact that clean-up operations may have.

The course content is designed to be compatible with the IMO OPRC Model Training Course Level 2, for Supervisors and On-Scene Commanders. The course also includes examples of Practical Sessions for deployment and operating of equipment to reinforce safety and assessments of oil spills and shorelines.

Course Objectives

To Apply and gain an in-depth knowledge on oil spill management and response including the behavior, fate and effects of oil spills in the marine environment and the best practices in dealing with oil spill, Implement the proper strategies in dealing with oil spills and employ systematic techniques on oil spill assessment; Employ oil spill contingency planning to achieve successful emergency response and clean up using chemical dispersants; Understand oil spill equipment deployment and discover the limitations of containment systems as well as oil recovery devices; Determine the characteristics of shoreline environmental sensitivity and apply shoreline clean-up techniques as well as alternative response techniques on waste management, storage and disposal.

Manage the clean-up operations on site and implement proper techniques of objective setting measurement and control for the proper development of operational plans and strategies; Manage and deal with the media and perform other public relations activities that involves making decisions that can have wide ranging implications on the outcome of a response and the reputation of the organization; Identify liabilities and cost recovery and apply post incident briefing and analysis.

Who Should Attend

This course is intended for managers, engineers and other technical and admin staff involved in oil spill management within ports, marine terminals, environmental, safety, HSE, marine operations, maintenance, marine authorities, municipalities, governmental and regulatory authorities.